GeoPlanet : earth and planetary sciences

Natura: Collana - Materiale testuale - Materiale a stampa
Descrizione: GeoPlanet : earth and planetary sciences. - Cham [etc.] : Springer
Note: - The GeoPlanet series is a forum for presenting the latest achievements in the Earth and space sciences. It is published by the GeoPlanet consortium (Earth and Planetary Research Centre) formed by five institutes affiliated with the Polish Academy of Sciences: Institute of Geophysics, Space Research Centre, Institute of Geological Sciences, and Institute of Oceanology, and Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Centre. Its main objective is a multidisciplinary approach to link scientific activities in various Earth-related fields (geophysics, geology, oceanology) with Solar System research.
Numeri: ISSN: 21905193
Legami: [Comprende] Determination of atmospheric parameters of B-, A-, F- and G-type stars : lectures from the School of spectroscopic data analyses [Vai al dettaglio]
Paese pubblicazione: Svizzera
Lingua: Inglese
ID scheda: 132992