Relativity, thermodynamics and cosmology

Natura: Monografia - Materiale testuale - Materiale a stampa
Descrizione: Relativity, thermodynamics and cosmology / Richard C. Tolman. - New York : Dover, 2016. - xv, 501 p. ; 22 cm
Note: This Dover edition, first published in 1987, is an unabridged and unaltered republication of the work first published by Oxford University Press, Oxford, England in 1934. It is reprinted by special arrangement with Oxford University Press, Inc., New York
Numeri: ISBN (13): 9780486653839
Tolman, Richard Chace -  [Responsabilità principale] -  [Autore](Visualizza dettaglio)
Paese pubblicazione: Stati Uniti
Lingua: Inglese
ID scheda: 139861
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