Rocket men : the daring odyssey of Apollo 8 and the astronauts who made man's first journey to the M

Rocket men : the daring odyssey of Apollo 8 and the astronauts who made man's first journey to the Moon

Natura: Monografia - Materiale testuale - Materiale a stampa
Descrizione: Rocket men : the daring odyssey of Apollo 8 and the astronauts who made man's first journey to the Moon / Robert Kurson. - New York : Random House, ©2018. - x, 372 p., [8] carte di tav. ; 25 cm
Numeri: ISBN (13): 9780812988727 (ebook)
ISBN (13): 9780812988703 (Hardback)
Kurson, Robert -  [Responsabilità principale]
[Classificazione Decimale Dewey] 629.454 - Astronautica. Voli circumterrestri e lunari
History of astronomy
Space vehicles
Paese pubblicazione: Stati Uniti
Lingua: Inglese
ID scheda: 140694
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